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Travel Policy

It is ISASI policy to ensure that Reachout volunteers, traveling internationally on behalf of ISASI, are aware of the latest information on travel advisories and travel warnings for the countries/regions they plan to transit through or visit. The criteria listed below will ensure that a go, no-go decision has the safety of the ISASI traveler as a priority and is in the best interests of the host nation or organization that is planning the Reachout training.

Criteria for Travel

  1. ISASI Reachout volunteers are expected to follow the criteria listed in this section.
  2. Every country has its own system of travel advisories and warnings. Many countries use a numerical scale as well as a written description advising caution or to avoid travel. The paragraph that follows lists the recommended travel criteria for ISASI Reachout volunteers based on the systems of several countries by using the written advice rather than a numerical level that may be confusing and apply only to some travellers.
  3. Consult the threat level published by your home country for the country/region that you plan to transit through or visit. Carefully note the wording of the travel advisory or travel warning published by your government. Apply the following criteria:
    1. If your country of origin states in their travel advisory or warning: "Exercise normal security precautions", "Be alert to your own security", "Exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety", "Exercise a high degree of caution" or words to that effect - No restriction in travel for ISASI volunteers.
    2. If your country of origin states in their travel advisory or warning: "Avoid non- essential travel", "Reconsider the need to travel" or words to that effect - No travel to the country but ISASI volunteers will stay if the threat level increases to this level while in the country.
    3. If your country of origin states in their travel advisory or warning: "Avoid all travel" "Advised not to travel" or words to that effect.– No travel to the country. ISASI volunteers will leave the country if the threat level increases to this level while in the country.
    4. In all cases it is imperative to consult with the host organization before making a no-go decision.
  4. While in the planning stage and prior to making a commitment to the host organization Reachout volunteers should consider the safety and security aspects of travel. A no-go decision can then be considered only if the situation/advisories have changed in the timeframe between the commitment and the workshop.

Travel Guidelines

  1. File a ‘flight note’ of your travel plans with a responsible person and check-in regularly with your progress (by e-mail, fax, phone, SMS etc.). This is especially important in less stable environments.
  2. Highly recommend insurance coverage (both medical and life insurance) for Reachout volunteers for the duration of the planned travel.
  3. All travelers should have up-to-date Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccinations.
  4. Ensure that your measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, influenza, and pneumococcal immunizations are up-to-date.
  5. Depending on the part of the world the traveler should consider protection against malaria and yellow fever.
  6. Keep a low profile. To avoid being a target dress conservatively. Don’t wear expensive jewelry and carry the minimum amount of valuables.
  7. Never leave your luggage unattended.
  8. After you arrive, consider registering with the nearest embassy or consulate of your home country.
  9. Make yourself aware of the laws and customs of the country you are visiting.
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