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Benefits of ISASI Membership

Our individual and corporate members represent more than 70 countries and are a diverse group working in all facets of the industry worldwide.  Members include major aircraft manufacturers, government investigation agencies, labour unions, military services, safety organisations and private industry.  

If YOU are involved in aviation and dedicated to improvements in aviation safety

Your membership would indicate to a worldwide audience of safety professionals that you are committed to the enhancement of aircraft accident/incident investigation and a reduction of loss.

As a member YOU support:  

The Annual ISASI Seminar has become a focal point for aviation safety professionals throughout the world. Attendance has steadily grown, and the presentations are meaningful and state–of–the–art.  This presents a unique opportunity and access for personal and on-line networking.  Corporate members are able to send an unlimited number of representatives to the seminar at the member rate providing a significant saving.

The Reachout Workshop Program provides low-cost, subject-oriented, and locally sponsored seminars to an international community. The first Reachout Workshop was an unqualified success and the over 50 workshops held since have been equally meaningful. These workshops provide our members with a unique opportunity to directly affect safety in areas where it will have the greatest return.

FORUM, the ISASI official publication, is a first-class magazine, published quarterly. The publication contains information and articles relating to the latest in accident/incident investigation and safety enhancement initiatives.  Corporate members are frequently highlighted the magazine.

The ISASI Rudolf Kapustin Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 to provide eligible college students with a  grant to attend our annual seminars. Our recipients have been unanimous in their praise for the program, and many are now gainfully employed in the industry.

The Student Mentoring Program is an opportunity for you to establish a link with a university student interested in an aviation safety career. 

New individual applicants may apply for one of three member classes, depending on experience; Member; Associate; or Student.

Applications for memberships and forms for change in membership status are available https://isasi.wildapricot.org/join-us

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