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(In memory of all ISASI members who have died)


To encourage and assist college-level students interested in the field of aviation safety and aircraft occurrence investigation.


The ISASI Rudolf Kapustin Memorial Scholarship fund was established through donations and will provide an annual allocation of funds for the scholarship if funds are available.


Applicants must be enrolled as full time students in a recognized (note ISASI recognized) education program, which includes courses in aircraft engineering and/or operations, aviation psychology, aviation safety and/or aircraft occurrence investigation, etc., Applicants must have major or minor subjects that focus on aviation safety/investigation. A student who has received the annual ISASI Rudolf Kapustin Memorial Scholarship will not be eligible to apply for it again.


The President of ISASI will appoint a two person committee to be executors and administrators of the fund. The ISASI Treasurer will oversee all expenditures. The Scholarship Fund Committee will check that the education program is at a recognized school and applicable to the aims of the Society, assess the applications and determine the most suitable candidate. Donors and recipients will be advised if donations are made in honor of a particular individual.


Funded attendance at ISASI Annual Seminar

An award of $2000 will be made to each student who wins the competitive writing requirement, meets the application requirements and registers for the ISASI annual seminar. The award will be used to cover costs for the seminar registration fees, travel, and lodging/meals expenses. Any expenses above and beyond the amount of the award will be borne by the recipient. ISASI will assist with coordination and control the expenditure of funds.

In addition, the following are offered to the winner(s) of the scholarship.

  • A one year membership to ISASI
  • The Southern California Safety Institute (SCSI) offers tuition-free attendance to ANY regularly scheduled SCSI course to the winner of the ISASI Scholarship. This includes the two-week Aircraft Accident Investigator course or any other investigation courses. Travel to/from the course and accommodations are not included. More information at
  • The Transportation Safety Institute offers a tuition free course for the winner of the Scholarship. Travel to/from the course and accommodations are not included. More information is available at
  • The Cranfield University Safety and Accident Investigation Centre offers tuition-free attendance at its 5-day Accident Investigation course which runs as part of its Masters Degree program at the Cranfield campus, 50 miles north of London, UK. Travel to/from the course and accommodation are not included. Further information is available from
  • The University of Southern California Aviation Safety and Security Program offers tuition-free attendance to any regularly-scheduled class offered in Los Angeles, Alhambra, Washington, DC, or online. This includes the two-week Aircraft Accident Investigation class taught in Alhambra, California. Travel and accommodations are not included.


  • A full time student who meets the Eligibility requirement stated above and has been enrolled for a duration of one year
  • The student is to submit a 1500 (+/- 10%) word paper in English addressing "the challenges for air safety investigators"
  • The paper is to be the students own work and must be countersigned by the student's tutor/academic supervisor as authentic, original work
  • The papers will be judged on their content, original thinking, logic and clarity of expression
  • The student must complete the application form and submit it to ISASI with their paper by April 15th of the current year.
  • The application form can be found here.

The Judges decision will be final.

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